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Wayfarer Measurement

Measurement is a means to check that your Wayfarer hull, sails, spars and any other ancillary equipment comply with the class rules and building specifications:-

The UKWA encourages boat measurement for the following reasons:-

  • To maintain a one-design class, the boat conforms to the class rules and is declared an official Wayfarer by an independent measurer.
  • Buoyancy testing. This is part of the measurement process. In the past the buoyancy certificate had to be endorsed every year. This has now changed and it is now the responsibility of the owner to ensure the boat complies with the rules relating to buoyancy. Annual endorsement is no longer required. It is essential that cruising members or members that sail without safety cover ensure the integrity of their boats buoyancy.
  • The boat will be eligible to compete in class races.
  • The boat will be more attractive to a perspective purchaser.

To get your Wayfarer measured

To get the process under way contact a UKWA approved Measurer. Advice from local Wayfarer sailors may also be useful. There is no fixed fee for measurement; the cost will depend on individual circumstances.

It would be prudent to conduct a pre-measurement check yourself; your Measurer will probably recommend this. A link to the measurement form for your mark of boat can be found here, and the Class Rules here.

The key areas for self-check would be:

  • Bands on spars
  • Foil profiles
  • Buoyancy
  • Licence plate

The class measurer will complete a measurement form in conjunction with the class rules, all observations are noted on the form. They may also offer advice. The completed form is sent to the Associations secretary. If the boat measures successfully a certificate will be issued to the owner, with a copy of the measurement form. The UKWA will also keep a record.

If a boat fails to measure because of discrepancies that can not be easily rectified, the details will be submitted to the Rules and Technical committee. The committee will advise the owner, or they may issue a dispensation in special circumstances.

It should be noted that a certificate is no longer valid once the boat changes owners; a replacement certificate should be applied for from the Association secretary (re-measurement is not necessary). If the boat undertakes structural work, for instance, when a wooden boat is being re-decked, the certificate is no longer valid, as the work completed will have to be re-measured. It should also be remembered that the certificate is only valid with an annual buoyancy endorsement.

Remember that the Association is there to help its members. If any problems are experienced with Measurement, contact the Rules & Technical chairman at or the Chief Measurer.

Sail Measurement

From April 2011 sail measurement has conformed to the ISAF standard.

Details of the Sail Definitions can be found at:

Last updated 09:11 on 20 August 2024

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