UKWA Boat Tents

Igloo type tent (Mk 2)
Fancy camping but do not have a boat tent? If you have thought about cruising but are unwilling to splash out on a tent (in case you dont like it!) why not get a taste of sleeping on board, under an Association tent? Dont worry, you wont have to drill holes or make any modifications to your boat, the tents come with a rope and shockcord bridle, boom crutch and full instructions.
One of the tents is the Mark 2 (igloo type) design and comes complete with lightweight fibre poles. The canopy is made from breathable cotton Ventile fabric. This is a relatively complicated tent…
Mk 1 kindly donated by Peter Leighton
There is also a Mark 1 ridge tent in cotton Ventile, which was generously donated to the Association in 2016. Ventile is a breathable fabric, expensive to purchase, but well-suited to our requirements if treated with care. The cloth is heavier than usual, making the tent a little bulky when wet, but this is a simple and robust design.

The latest boat tent on a Wayfarer Plus S, Malthouse Staithe, Norfolk Broads, May 2018.
A third tent, another Mark 1 (photo on the payment page), saw active service for the first time in 2017, and a new, similar, privately-owned tent (also available for hire) has now completed a couple of seasons. These tents are both made from polyurethane-coated polyester fabric, which is affordable, lightweight & waterproof, but non-breathable.
Hire Costs & Booking
The UKWAs boat tents are available for hire at the special members rate of £30 per hire (or just £20 for UKWA Rallies thats for the duration of the cruise, including the cost of getting the tent to you). We also ask you to pay for onward carriage after your hire period, where relevant. Please contact us beforepaying for tent hire.
In addition to the hire charge you will (as mentioned) need to arrange carriage either to the next hirer, or to Kay Marriott, who looks after the tents. (Youll be told which). It is imperative that the tent is thoroughly dried and aired prior to despatch. Also we need to be advised immediately of any damage or losses, so that these can addressed in good time.
You can check availability with Kay by e-mail: if you dont hear back within a day or two something has gone amiss.
As mentioned above, please contact us before paying for tent hire.
When members need to send the hire tent onto the next hirer we need to share the recipient's name and address with the previous hirer. In hiring a tent you are giving consent for your name and address to be shared in this way.
Once availability has been confirmed, payment can be made here on the website, but please do check with us before making any payment:-
Last updated 11:44 on 15 January 2025